(HARARE, Zimbabwe) — Clinging to his now virtually powerless post, longtime Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe was fired as ruling party chief to cheers Sunday, and was set to discuss his expected exit with the army commander who put the world's oldest head of state under house arrest days ago. A day after huge crowds rallied peacefully in the capital, Harare, for the 93-year-old Mugabe to go, members of the ruling party's Central Committee stood, cheered and sang as Mugabe was recalled. Meeting chair Obert Mpofu referred to him as "outgoing president." The meeting also replaced Mugabe as party chief with the vice president whose firing nearly two weeks ago led the military to step in, and recalled "forever" the unpopular first lady as head of the women's league, party member Chris Mutsvangwa confirmed. That former vice president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, is expected to lead a new government after his formal election as ruling party c...